Industrial Installations

  • These installations are for larger companies and usually will have a bulk tank facility.
  • These installations cover both Vapour & Liquid gas installations.
  • Users include Gas Depots with bulk storage facilities which can include Cylinder filling and road tanker filling.
  • Agricultural installations which include for controlled heating of Chicken Houses on Poultry farms.
  • Hot Houses, Printing companies, Crematoriums, heating for extrusion, Industrial powder coating, large scale food production companies,
  • These installations are done in accordance with SANS 10087-3 & 7

Apart from commercial and residential purposes, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) has found its way into various industrial sectors. Economical and environment friendly LPG is more preferable due to its versatile nature. LPG is used not only in powering industrial ovens but also in the production of food, furnaces, kilns and in the production of packing material.

We cater to both large and small companies. We are skilled at performing vapour and liquid gas installations. Bulk tank installation in industries is what we are known for. It is essential to notice that there are no open drains after installation. Our technicians are experienced and skilled enough to handle all installation issues efficiently and we make sure that there are provisions for running cold water in case of any unpremeditated event. Our precautionary measures include checking out that there are zero possibilities of gas pocket formation. Pressure regulators, shut-off valves, safety valves, flame arrestors and specialty burners are an essential part of our recipe for safe industrial gas installation. Our members have training in fire combat and First Aid Certification.

Some of our clients also include Gas depots, with bulk storage facilities. The procedure also consists of cylinder filling and road tanker filling. We have also been invited for agricultural installations which included facilitating controlled heating of chicken houses on poultry farms. We have gained experience over 30 years in installation of LPG in:

  • Hot Houses
  • Printing companies
  • Crematoriums
  • Industrial powder coating
  • Heating for extrusion
  • Large scale food production companies.

We carry the title of “Licensed Gas Practitioners” and are certified under SAQCC and LPGSASA. All the installations under our company are done in compliance with SANS 10087-1, -3 & -7.

Call us now at 021 551-5748 or send us an email at for queries, rates and quotes.

“Safety isn’t Expensive It’s Priceless”